Palmer CE 2nd Site

Palmer Online: The Brain, Pain, and the Neuroplastic Effects of Chiropractic Care 2024

Dr. Heidi Haavik presents this five-hour course. The latest science points to pain created in the brain – to warn us about danger. However, this system can go wrong due to maladaptive neural plasticity. Dr. Haavik will discuss how ‘pain’ can change and adapt over time depending on patient experiences. She clarifies what we as chiropractors can and cannot claim in an evidence-informed world.



Module 1 Outline
  • The low back pain burden
  • Pain is created in the brain
  • QUIZ




Module 2 Outline
  • What your patients tell you matters
  • Pain education
  • QUIZ



Module 3 Outline
  • Acute versus chronic pain
  • Neuroplastic changes occuring with chronic pain
  • Structural and functional changes occruing with chronic pain
  • Chronic pain and the inner body schema
  • QUIZ



Module 4 Outline
  • Old structural pathology model vs new neuroplasticity model of pain
  • Old structural pathology model vs new neuroplasticity model of spinal dysfunctionand chiropractic care
  • Reiterating- what you tell your patients matters to outcomes
  • QUIZ



Module 5 Outline
  • How to simplify scientific information to communicate to patients
  • Pain processing and adjustments
  • Inculdes examples to communicate with patients
  • QUIZ



Module 6 Outline
  • Basci science and clinical science differences
  • Three pillars of evidenced based practice
  • Chiropractic is a regulated profession- this includes communication with patients
  • QUIZ



Module 7 Outline
  • Take home messages and communication strategies about chiropractic clinical research and:
    • Low back pain
    • Neck pain
    • Headaches
  • QUIZ



Module 8 Outline
  • Neurophysiology of chronic pain
  • Whiteboard animation about pain
  • Pain feelings are created in the brain
  • QUIZ



Module 9 Outline
  • Incongruent sensory information, pain, and other symptoms
  • Chiropractic subluxation role
  • Spinal dysfunction and brain function
  • QUIZ



Module 10 Outline
  • Negative neuroplastic effects of recurring low-grade neck dysfunction
  • Communicating the neurophysiology of chronic pain
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Brain adaptations
  • QUIZ



Module 11 Oultine
  • Emotional limbic parts of the brain and pain amplification
  • Stress and pain
  • Stress and chiropractic subluxations
  • QUIZ



Module 12 Outline
  • Orchestra anaology
  • Prefrontal cortex and pain in the brain
  • Patient education
  • QUIZ



Module 13 Outline
  • Pain and the amygdala
  • Limic system and chronicity of pain
  • Amygdala and emotions 
  • Prefrontal cortex in chronic pain patients
  • QUIZ



Module 14 Oultine
  • The stress neuromatrix
  • Stress and the brain
  • The brain and traumatic experiences
  • QUIZ



Module 15 Oultine
  • Communicating stress and how chiropractic can help
  • The link between mental health and chronic pain
  • Relationship between sleep, inflammation, and pain
  • Chronic pain and HRV
  • QUIZ



Module 16 Outline
  • Stress varies throughout life
  • Adverse childhood experiences
  • Maternal stress and babies
  • QUIZ



Module 17 Outline
  • Physical trauma and deep paraspinal musculature
  • Physical trauma and acute pain effects on the brain
  • Stress and propripception
  • Proprioception and neuroplastic changes
  • QUIZ



Module 18 Outline
  • Symptoms
  • Research on pain and other symptoms
  • Patient education and analogy regarding pain
  • QUIZ



Module 19 Oultine
  • Motor control
  • Sensory information can impact motor control
  • Low back pain or injury and motor control 
  • Inner body schema and accurate motor control
  • QUIZ



Module 20 Oultine
  • How chiropractic adjustments can improve spinal motor control
  • Gut microbiome and the brain
  • What else influences pain?
  • QUIZ



Module 21 Outline
  • Neuroplastic effects of chiropractic adjustments
  • Adjustments and pain modulation
  • Research and the benefits of chiropractic care for neck pain, back pain, cervicogenic headaches, and migraines
  • Image summary of neuroplastic effects of chiropractic adjustments
  • QUIZ



Module 22 Oultine
  • Communication to patients about neck pain
  • Chronic stress and opoid addiction
  • Pain education importance
  • QUIZ         



Module 23 Oultine
  • Tech neck
  • Stress, prefrontal cortex, and addictions
  • Chiropractic patients and opiods
  • QUIZ



Module 24 Oultine
  • Key points patients needs to know about pain
  • Chronic pain education
  • The importance of neuroscience in communication about chronic pain
  • QUIZ



Module 25 Oultine
  • Reassessing goals when working with chronic pain patients
  • Implications of current neuroscience about chiropractic and chronic pain
  • QUIZ



Module 26 Outline
  • Discussing the differences between internal and external communication 
  • Resources for chiropractors 
  • Basic science and clinic science differences in relation to communicating about chiropractic
  • QUIZ



Module 27 Outline
  • The science of chiropractic and communication
  • Awareness campaign about chiropractic
  • Neurophysiology patient education
  • QUIZ




Heidi Haavik, B.Sc., Ph.D.

Release Date: Jan 1, 2024
Course Expiration Date: Dec 31, 2024