Palmer CE 2nd Site

Introduction to the Neurophysiology of the Chiropractic Subluxation

Cost: $24.00
State Approvals
Dr. Haavik reviews the latest basic science evidence in relation to the vertebral subluxation. Discussion includes existing evidence for one theory about chiropractic subluxation (the squashed nerve theory). She explores communicating the latest science with the public and examines new science demonstrating that the subluxation is almost as DD Palmer originally described it, just with a subtle new twist.





Module 1 Outline
  • Brief overview over the MOPI (squashed nerve root) model
  • Cover studies that have shown that increasing pressure on a nerve root in animal models shows it takes more pressure to interfere with neural transmission than it does to cause radiating symptoms for these animals
  • QUIZ



Module 2 Outline 
  • Introduction to the neuroplasticity model of the subluxation
  • Introduction to the neuroplasticity model of chiropractic care
  • Overview of what neuroscientists know regarding how the brain controls the spine in a healthy situation
  • QUIZ



Module 3 Outline
  • How spinal function and dysfunction is not black and white
  • The 50 shades of grey of spinal dysfunction
  • Brief introduction to muscle spindle physiology
  • The sensory role of deep paraspinal muscles and how stress turns these muscles off
  • QUIZ



Module 4 Outline
  • Introduction to subclinical pain (SCP) and its definition
  • Why many of the basic science chiropractic studies have been done in this population
  • Brief look at some of the SCP vs healthy research studies that have been done
  • Introduction to the neuroplastic effects of adjustment
  • QUIZ



Module 5 Outline
  • Introduction to communicating the information from this class to patients and other health care providers
  • Examples of how to communicate this material with the public and where to get more information
  • QUIZ




Heidi Haavik, B.Sc., Ph.D.

Release Date: Jan 1, 2024
Course Expiration Date: Jan 31, 2025



Each module contains a video presentation and a short quiz.  You must view the video prior to taking the quiz. 
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DISCLAIMER: While Palmer College of Chiropractic endeavors to bring diverse topics and viewpoints for continuing education options for Doctors of Chiropractic, the opinions of presenters do not necessarily represent the views of Palmer College. 
ATTRIBUTION: This presentation contains royalty free music from